Calling all therapists who are pouring from an empty cup… 


You can reboot your vitality, resilience, and energy and activate Whole Being Health for your clients and yourself.

 If you are ...
  • tired of stress and compassion fatigue draining the life from the career you love 
  • ready to rejuvenate your work and transform the lives of others with solid techniques
  • curious about strategies to reboot the vagus nerve and your stress response quickly

You’re in the right place!

The Restoring Balance: Neuroregulation & the Vagus Nerve course is your next step.

Discover simple neuroregulation strategies for your daily life to relieve stress, boost resilience, and activate whole being health.

Perhaps the problem is with the current healthcare system — therapists pouring out all that they have without refilling their own energy reserves?

What if ...

  • you didn’t have to run yourself into the ground to serve others?
  • filling your own cup didn’t mean letting others down or taking on more work? 
  • You could help your clients feel better while ALSO helping yourself simultaneously?

Are you frequently tending to others’ needs while leaving your own unmet?

You wonder if your cup will always be this empty.

The need for a shift is clear, but the path to restoring balance remains elusive.

If you resonate with this, you likely yearn for a slower pace, a more centered existence, and energy for what truly fulfills you. Perhaps you even dream of dedicating more time to passions that uplift your spirit.

Fitting in self-care seems daunting, especially when it risks disappointing others.

Something needs to change.

It's time to put on the [vagal] brake and hit the reset button.

✨ Imagine sleeping soundly, breathing deeply, and feeling renewed.

✨ Envision finishing your workday with enough energy to enjoy your favorite activities.

✨ Visualize a calmer, less irritable you, savoring time for quality self-care.

The good news is that change starts with small, manageable steps you can effortlessly incorporate into existing routines. It starts with learning how to decompress the vagus nerve in the areas of the body where we hold significant tension.

Even if you've explored polyvagal theory through podcasts, courses or books, you may still be wondering how to apply this knowledge in practical ways in your lifestyle and your treatment sessions.

Practitioners like yourself can learn simple strategies at your own pace to restore balance and feel healthy again. You’ll learn how in the self-paced, online course, Restoring Balance: Neuroregulation & the Vagus Nerve.

Discover the joy of creating a relaxed feeling while integrating these quick relief practices into your daily routine. The simple techniques in this course not only help you feel more energized and calm but also have a positive impact on those around you. By demonstrating how to use these techniques on yourself, you receive the benefits while empowering your clients to follow along and self-regulate.

Understandably, you may feel hesitant to commit to yet another online course after a long work day. However, this is an investment in YOU. Consider this a gift of self-love.  Experience the transformative power of pressing pause in your hectic schedule and replenish your reserves, so you can serve others from a full cup, not from depletion. You'll soon be sharing this with everyone around you!

It's Time for a Reboot

Neuroregulation of the vagus nerve is just what you need to reset the stress response you may be feeling now. You’ll feel energized, and a sense of resilience and vitality that you haven’t had for a long time. Your cup will be full.

My promise to you is that you will feel more relaxed and energized by fully participating in this online course to help you regain balance in your life.  You will feel confident integrating the practical tools into your existing routines in under 2 minutes at a time. You will personally receive the benefits of the techniques while empowering others to also use them.

By the end of this course, you'll feel energized and hopeful that life can become more balanced in small steps with the following benefits:

  • Understand the impact of sensory regulation on the vagus nerve
  • Treat yourself while training others how to do the techniques

  • Build new habits by adding the strategies to your current routines

  • Reset the body’s stress response for resilience

  • Gain new tools and techniques for your daily self-care priorities

  • …and so much more!

You’ll be excited to share these proven practices with others because you will know firsthand what it feels like to restore your vitality for whole-being health.


You don't have to take my word for it.

Here's what other therapists are saying ...

The best online class I’ve ever taken. I felt like I was right there in the room with her.

"I did corporate training for 15 yrs, wrote so many manuals and training. In that time, I met so few people that teach a class with a beginner's mind.  Deanna has it, plus so much energy, enthusiasm and passion. This was the best online class I’ve ever taken. I felt like I was right there in the room with her. She has found her path!"
Elizabeth Schwerman, LMT & Corporate Trainer

Deanna Waggy is a gold mine of information.  This is a great present to give to yourself.

“Deanna Waggy is a gold mine of information. Her technological expertise and online skills are astounding. Deanna generously shares her knowledge and truly cares about providing the best services possible. I highly recommend Deanna's classes and fabulous interactive sessions. Her heartfelt engagement and excellence shine forth in glorious paths of delight. Allow yourself to transform by Deanna's gifts of energetic mastery. Spending time with Deanna is a great present to give to yourself.”
Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA; Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master, award-winning Author

Seasoned and new practitioners can understand and use this immediately.

Deanna brings the wisdom gained from decades of clinical practice and teaching to this easy-to-follow, enriching course. She has yet again excelled at creating a course that is masterfully delivered with thorough and immediately applicable techniques that not only a seasoned practitioner but also individuals who are new to holistic healing can understand and begin to use immediately. Deanna's teaching style and delivery of information facilitates the student's ability to easily practice the content as the course progresses, leaving the student feeling as though they have experienced a treatment themselves. Deanna's dedication to sharing enriching clinical content in a way that anyone can benefit from is an act of generosity and proof of her life mission to help enrich the lives of others in an inclusive, caring and wise manner.
Helene Highbarger, OT

Deanna has an innate ability to create successful strategies & experiences for participants.

“Deanna's expertise as a mentor, instructor, retreat facilitator, guest lecturer and open sharing of her own learning progress is empathetic and opens the door for others to engage in the learning process with excitement and expectation of success. Deanna has an innate ability to create successful strategies & experiences for participants comprehending new therapies. She leads these activities with professional acumen, fosters the personal growth of each person, and provides for each individual's specific need for knowledge.”

Peggy Coffey, MA, COTA, ROH, retired OTA Academic Fieldwork Coordinator & OTA Instructor; Author of Creative Engagement in Occupation with Nancy Lamport & Gayle Hersch; Book, paper & collage journal artist

The true learning came from the passion and extensive knowledge that Deanna brings

“I had the amazing opportunity to take a class taught by Deanna. The information was great to learn, but the true learning came from the passion and extensive knowledge that Deanna brings as an instructor. She continues to be a valuable asset who is eager to help answer any questions that I have. I have taken countless courses throughout the years, and having Deanna as an instructor was a great experience. I hope to take more classes taught by her!"
Michelle Odegard, PTA, LMT, CCT, CPT; 7 Oaks Bodywork and Massage

Easily digestible, fun, interesting and easy to understand.

“I loved Deanna’s class! She makes self-care easy to integrate into my daily routine. It was so empowering!  Deanna distilled complex information into easily digestible ideas that were fun, interesting and easy to understand. She structured the class with several levels of learning from the simplest techniques for me to use right away, to more advanced concepts about the latest research on stress and the vagus nerve. I feel better about incorporating self-care into my everyday life!”
Sheila Palmer, MSW, LMT, CZB, CCP, Zero Balancing Faculty

Chock full of practical take home exercises one can implement right away.

“Deanna's  range of experiences as an occupational therapist, several forms of bodywork and spiritual director give her a comprehensive, holistic and compassionate view of healing and approach to wellness. She is highly organized and her courses are chock full of practical take home exercises one can implement right away. I recommend taking a class from her if you have the chance!”
Mary Behrens PT,  Zero Balancing Faculty; Vestibular competency - Emory University

Here's What You Will Receive:

Video teaching broken into 7 learning modules

  • These sessions are highly educational and experiential with how-to instructions to use immediately in your practice.
  • Short Practice Videos and downloadable PDF course materials to reinforce each of the key techniques
  • A brief overview of polyvagal theory to give you the big picture with links for further exploration
  • A resource list of additional videos, books and articles from colleagues and experts in the field for further exploration
  • Emerging practices and time-tested strategies that work in real time.

Additional Support and Community

  • Access to a custom designed private and interactive course website: This site houses all the video recordings, course content, supplemental material links plus bonus resources for your access.
  • Access to my community of holistic practitioners to share wisdom, insights and resources. This may include quarterly live calls and a private social media group. Please log in and introduce yourself and engage with each other. We’re here to support each other!
  • An abundance of extra Links and Special Bonuses on related topics to add to your learning experience.
Yes, I want all of this!

Here’s What You’ll Experience in my Course

Session 1

Set the Container: Creating a Healing Space for a Safe Connection

In this first session, you’ll discover how to cultivate clear boundaries to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue at work. Using the principle of neuroregulation, you will learn ways to foster a sense of safety and be more effective in your interactions with others. 

In this session, you’ll discover: 

  • A meditation to create a safe energetic container for clear boundaries
  • The importance of setting a goal or an intention for a healing space
  • How boundaries and neuroregulation  create safe relationships
Session 2

Get to the Root: Clearing Restrictions to Heal from the Inside Out

Emerging research on the impact of trauma and the role of the vagus nerve give us insights into the body’s healing process. This session will explore ways to bring resonance through our central core to activate the healing process.  

In this session, you’ll discover: 

  • How trauma and stress imprint vibrational patterns in our biofield 
  • How external working signals give us clues to the internal relaxation response 
  • How centering at our core allows us to return to the normal rhythms of life
Session 3

The Power of Pause: Cultivating Mindfulness For Neuroregulation

Learning to pause amid our daily routines shifts us from DOing to BEing. Mindfulness can have a big impact on reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm. A brief pause with conscious awareness bring you into the present moment, giving you a fresh perspective on the situations around you.  

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How pausing allows you to be more centered and grounded
  • How mindfulness and breathwork switches from high alert to calm
  • How increasing conscious awareness changes our perspective on the healing process
Session 4

In the Zone: Restoring Resilience by Calming the Nervous System

The vagus nerve can become entrapped in multiple locations in the body where we tend to hold tension. This nerve plays a key role in returning our whole being (body, mind, emotions and soul) to a calm state. Understanding the signals of stress in the body helps us reboot our system so we can return to our “zone of resiliency”. 

In this session, you’ll discover: 

  • What factors cause us to get outside our “zone of resilience” 
  • How sensory regulation strategies are connected to neuroregulation
  • How the seven keys to resilience help restore balance
Session 5

In the Flow: Releasing Tension to Feel Energized

“Where energy flows freely, we move towards greater health.” This basic principle from an Eastern Medicine perspective gives us a clue as to what happens when we clear the tensions in our body. We begin to move with less restrictions, feel more energized and work with greater ease and efficiency. 

In this session, you’ll discover: 

  • How tension is related to energy flows within the body
  • How techniques can be combined for greater effectiveness
  • How to balance energy through movement and the central core
Session 6

The Growth Edge: Creating New Habits for Whole Being Health  

When we realize our unsustainable lifestyles contribute to our stress, it becomes a catalyst for change. That first step over the edge into unknown territory can feel overwhelming. Seeing new possibilities and choosing one small step at a time can help us move forward when we are in edgy territory. 

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How shifting from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs promotes positive change
  • How transitions in our routines are ideal places to use self-care tools
  • How making one small change at a time can lead to big changes over time
Session 7

Equipped and Empowered: Sharing Self-Care with Others

Modeling self-care strategies is a great way to empower others by demonstrating how we do the technique as a self-care practice, instead of relying on others to treat us. It creates a win-win solution for incorporating self-care into our busy schedule as we demonstrate the techniques to others, who are then empowered to demonstrate self-care to others in their lives.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How self-care becomes empowering for both you and your clients
  • Why a demonstration method empowers instead of "fixing" others
  • Why training is important for holistic practitioners using touch techniques
I'm Ready for New Strategies!

Self-Care  Bonuses

Acupresure Mini-Course

Intro to Acupressure Mini-Course

This mini-course introduces you to the history of acupressure, the benefits, and multiple points that help regulate the body's stress response. Additional benefits include reduced pain and anxiety.

Breathwork Video

Expanding Breath Instructional Video 

A 4 minute video is excellent for improving lung capacity for those with breathing difficulties.  It is also calming and centering.

Neuroregulation eBook

Strategies for Sensitives eBook

For those persons who are highly sensitive, stressful situations can be extremely overwhelming. This eBook contains simple strategies for sensory regulation from an Occupational Therapy perspective for various ages. This is meant to be a resource for clients and caregivers who are in the investigatory stage of learning about sensory regulation.

Sleep Strategies eBook

ABC's of Sleep eBook

This bonus eBook includes several holistic resources for sleep hygiene for each letter of the alphabet. This resource is an overview of various options to explore on your own time.

Incorporating principles from Eastern and Western Medicine

This course is an innovative approach incorporating aspects of integrative health at the intersection where East meets West.  Included are core principles from quantum physics, Zero Balancing and Insight Acupressure, all of which address the whole person. Current research and emerging practices are also interwoven in the material. The wisdom and teaching styles of each mentor significantly influenced the holistic approach to the course content.

Here's what some of the pioneers in Integrative Medicine have to say ...

Reducing stress in our society is one of our major needs at this time in history.

“It pleases me to support Deanna Waggy and her on-line program of stress reduction for health care workers. I know Ms. Waggy to be a skilled practitioner and a creative forward thinker, and believe the program she is offering is truly needed at this time. The truth is that as someone teaches others these stress reducing exercises they themselves will lessen their own stress levels. Reducing stress in our society is one of our major needs at this time in history. Ms. Waggy’s course will help.”
Frederick R Smith, MD; Physician and Founder of Zero Balancing; Author of Inner Bridges: A Guide to Energy Movement and Body Structure, and Alchemy of Touch: Moving Towards Mastery Through the Lens of Zero Balancing.

Her techniques are ideally suited for both practitioners and their clients.

Deanna is an extremely smart, hardworking and caring practitioner and teacher of both Zero Balancing and Insight Acupressure (formerly Soul Lightening Acupressure). One of her many strengths is her clarity and her use of metaphor that makes her words vivid. She has a lot of teaching experience helping people with their self-care. Her techniques are ideally suited for both practitioners and their clients. I recommend any class that she teaches.
James McCormick, LAc , Zero Balancing Faculty;
Author of Zero Balancing - Conscious Touch and Transformation; Past president of the ZBTF; co-president of Cambridge Health Associates Cambridge Health Associates - a holistic health center in Cambridge, MA.

[Acupressure] gives her the platform to address spiritual issues and include the Soul in her work.

I want to recommend Deanna Waggy as a very accomplished teacher with experience in many modalities including the one I created, Soul Lightening Acupressure. Soul Lightening gives her the platform to address spiritual issues and include the Soul in her work. My experience with Deanna is that she is a very attentive, brilliant student. I totally support her teaching my work. Deanna is more current on the language in today’s world and will do an excellent job of translating anything from my work into very readable, executable pieces for students to understand. Besides her intellectual acumen and her mastery of this work, she is also very accomplished technically and helping students navigate online learning and technology in this time.
Aminah Raheem Smith, PhD, Originator of Soul Lightening Process Acupressure [currently called Insight Acupressure]; Author of Soul Return: Integrating Body, Psyche and Spirit; Soul Lightening: Awakening Soul Consciousness; and The Way of Soul Lightening: Integrating Body, Mind and Soul through Energy 

She brings together her vast knowledge base with a soulful, creative, heart centered approach.

Deanna Waggy is a highly skilled and gifted practitioner, teacher and human being. Whether she is in the treatment room or the classroom she brings together her vast knowledge base with a soulful, creative, heart centered approach. She engages her clients and students in innovative and creative ways as she draws upon the many skills and traditions in her toolkit including occupational therapy, acupressure, spiritual direction and many more. Deanna loves to serve as a bridge between traditional medicine and holistic medicine and her clients and students benefit tremendously from it.
Cathy Miller, L.Ac., MM, LMT, ABT (NCCAOM); Director of The Source Point Institute; Insight Acupressure Faculty Alliance (IAFA) and Past President of Soul Lightening Acupressure International.

It’s more than a class or a course.

Restoring Balance is a whole community!

When you register for this course, you join other like-minded practitioners and caregivers who struggle with the same kinds of workplace stresses as you do. You will discover techniques used by other integrative health practitioners for self care or with their clients and co-workers, which have changed their work environment.  You will learn about other innovative resources for sharing to transform your whole being health. 

You'll become part of a growing, inspired community of holistic practitioners who collaborate and support each other while learning new ways to make a difference in the world. You'll receive other opportunities to integrate the learning and connect with your new community such as occasional live calls, networking opportunities and invitations to attend future classes. These relationships may last a lifetime!

Yes to Community and Connection!

What Practitioners in the Wellness Community Say ...

You leave the class not just knowing "how", but also the "why"!

Deanna’s courses cover valuable information for healthcare workers in need of self-care tools that can be used immediately for stress relief and increased wellness. The strength of all of Deanna's courses isn't just about imparting knowledge. The main strength is her ability to connect the information with evidence-based research which gives everyone the confidence to implement new techniques based on scientific connections and findings. You leave the class not just knowing "how", but also the "why"!
Misty Rhoads, Ph.D., LHC, CZB Professor & Research Consultant; Past Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Transformative Touch 

Her teaching style is very multimodal.

It has been my pleasure to serve as a Skilled Touch Practitioner for Deanna’s classes on several occasions. Her teaching style is very multimodal; teaching to all students learning styles and willingly answering questions until she is certain the student understands the information.  Examples and recall strategies are embedded into the discussions.

She is a wealth of information and knowledge.

I would recommend taking any class that Deanna offers as she is a wealth of information and knowledge.  She has a clear way of sharing information, and has a great ability of supporting you where you are at.  She is wise beyond her years, and has many tools in her toolbox with which to assist you on your healing and awakening, and self-care journey.  I have so enjoyed getting to know Deanna over the years, personally and professionally, and am happy to see her offering her own classes. I know she will serve you well, on every level of your being.  Holistic practitioner, multifaceted teacher, and gifted healer...enjoy your time with her. 
Angelique Priscilla, Certified Advanced Practitioner Soul Lightening Acupressure, Advanced CST practitioner, Retired PT of 40+ years

[Deanna] is able to envision ways of interaction to achieve results.

I have always been struck by Deanna’s quickness in understanding the depth of material as both a student and instructor. Deanna grasps things as a whole, and is able to combine them with other modalities to achieve just the right mix for any client or situation. She sees into the foundation of things, and is able to envision ways of interaction to achieve results. She is bright, compassionate, forward thinking and skilled. I look forward to seeing this course develop in her search for ways to help individuals grow and heal and move forward in their process of being. 
Valerie Campbell, LMT; Insight Acupressure Instructor

You will feel supported in your learning.

My experience is that Deanna is a teacher who covers all the bases. You will feel supported in your learning. She will listen fairly and practice “interface” on all levels of your relationship. You will experience individual growth.  Deanna has a level of compassion and accountability that is useful when co-teaching with her.
Alvina Quatrano, LMT, Art of Holistic Massage; Insight Acupressure Instructor

My Journey From Frazzled to Focused: The Vagus Nerve Connection

Twenty years ago, my own life was out of control with the demands of balancing work, raising two active children with my spouse and navigating perplexing health conditions with our parents. I was dissatisfied with the “fix-it” mentality of the allopathic medicine model that wasn’t solving all our medical problems. Everyone was making demands on my time; I was frazzled and experiencing burnout.

I wasn’t following my own advice to my clients. It was my job as a holistic occupational therapist to teach stress management and self-care principles to help people restore balance and return to living a purposeful lifestyle but was feeling like a failure.  I realized I had to start with treating myself first, before I could help others. But where would I fit these practices into my regular daily routine? 

I eventually went to a contemplative weekend retreat for reflection and renewal, sparking a quest to incorporate practical strategies into my daily life. I explored various holistic practices, including acupressure, breathwork, and mindfulness, finding them simple yet effective.

I had one of those A-ha moments when I realized how the vagus nerve gets entrapped by muscle tension and poor posture when experiencing stress. I realized many of the occupational therapy self-regulation strategies combined with spiritual practices were some of the best things to use for stress relief. I designed my own toolbox of strategies, trading frazzled feelings for improved focus and restoration.

Then, as the pandemic emerged, the relevance of the vagus nerve became increasingly apparent. Observing widespread symptoms linked to the dorsal branch of the vagus nerve resulting in those frazzled feelings, I started sharing what I knew with others online by demonstrating it on my own body. I realized I was self-regulating my own stress responses while empowering others to do the same! I also experimented with adding these practices into existing routines, aiming for efficiency in consistently incorporating them into my routine and scattering them throughout my day.

The results were profound. I was more focused and calm throughout my day.

After sharing my neuroregulation strategies with colleagues and clients who experienced similar benefits, I organized a transformative 2-day retreat. This led to the creation of handouts and videos demonstrating these easy techniques to manage stress. Their feedback? "Why not compile these into an online course?" That's precisely what I did, driven by a passion to teach simple self-care practices that help regulate the vagus nerve and promote a balanced lifestyle.

I am passionate about empowering your self-care routines because I know we each have the potential to lead a more balanced lifestyle. That creates a positive ripple effect in the healthcare industry when we set clear boundaries, use time efficiently and learn how to self-regulate in the midst of stress. When you embody these principles, you can serve others from a full cup, not an empty cup.

I invite you to join me on this exciting healing adventure with small steps to shift from frazzled to focused.

I'm Ready to Focus!

My Restoring Balance Promise to You

I know it can feel risky to invest hundreds of dollars into an online program. I've had my share of purchased classes that I never get around to watching. Which is why as an OT, I wanted to create a course that was practical and simple to use. I know these strategies work. And I know you will be telling others about what you learned in this class.

Here’s my personal promise to you: 

After taking this course, you will have the knowledge and understanding to implement strategies for neuroregulation that have immediate results confidently.

If you show up, do the work with each module, and reach out with any and all questions or concerns you have along the way, I know you’ll experience shifts in how you feel and are coping with your daily stressors.  And your clients will benefit as well with the ready-made handouts for your home routines. 

If you do all this and can honestly say you haven’t learned a single thing that will help you or your patients, then reach out to me for a complimentary 1:1 coaching session. I’ll help you find the roadblock and remove it so you can find your balance.

Restoring Balance:

Neuroregulation & the Vagus Nerve

 An On-Demand Course

Always at your fingertips, when you need it most.

This is an investment in YOU and your health, as well as your professional development. In as little as 10 minutes each day, you can work through the materials one small step at a time.

The longer you delay making these changes, the deeper the stress patterns become that lead to burnout. Take action today so you can help yourself while also helping your clients.

It's affordable and accessible.

Bonus offer: Interested in boosting your effectiveness as a practitioner? 

Consider an additional 4 day in-person training with Deanna. 

Add on a Zero Balancing I (25 hours) or Clinical Acupressure I (24 hours) in-person class to boost the effectiveness of your Vagus Nerve course.  Please see the detailed course descriptions or contact Deanna for course schedule and feasibility of this offer.  




3 month investment plan

Includes all these bonuses uniquely available to you:

  • Short Practice Videos for each technique introduced
  • Downloadable PDF handouts
  • Access to a custom-designed private and interactive course website
  • Access to a Private Discussion Group
  • Special Bonuses to add to your online course experience



single investment

Includes all these bonuses uniquely available to you:

  • Short Practice Videos for each technique introduced
  • Downloadable PDF handouts
  • Access to a custom-designed private and interactive course website
  • Access to a Private Discussion Group
  • Special Bonuses to add to your online course experience

Course + Additional Training


2 Classes

Includes all these bonuses uniquely available to you:

  • All the bonuses in other offers: Short Practice Videos, downloadable PDF handouts, interactive course website, private discussion group and special bonuses
  • PLUS your choice of a Zero Balancing I class (25 hours) OR Clinical Acupresure 1 class (24 hours) at several locations in the Midwest USA.
See our FAQs below for Terms & Conditions. 
Need help or have a question? Contact us via email.

A special note just for you!

If you’ve read this far, then chances are you’re ready for a big shift. You know you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup without major health implications. You also know your cup is running dangerously low right now — almost to the point of wanting to quit altogether. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. I’m here to tell you there’s hope for a change, and making those changes is much easier than you think when you have a roadmap and a guide to help you get there.

This is my job, but it’s also my heart’s work — to help and support the helpers (like you) who are constantly pouring without a consistent way to refill themselves. 

Even if you don’t purchase this course, I’m here to cheer you on and help you find the resources you need to improve your life. Just follow me on social media and let me know what’s going on. And I'm always open to having you join one of my Zero Balancing or Clinical Acupressure classes.

In your corner,    Deanna

Meet Deanna Waggy OTR

Here’s my official bio in case you’re curious about my background and why I’m qualified to create this course.
Deanna Waggy is passionate about whole-being health. She integrates 40 years of experience as an Integrative Holistic Occupational Therapist, a Spiritual Director and multiple certifications in Zero Balancing (ZB), Clinical Acupressure, Process Acupressure and Advanced Insight Acupressure (formerly Soul Lightening Acupressure). She loves facilitating creative and contemplative retreats focusing on self-care, creative arts and spiritual practices for whole-being health. 
Deanna has a private wellness practice serving infants to adults in South Bend, Indiana. She has a wealth of holistic resources at her fingertips and shares her knowledge generously with others. Deanna consults with holistic practitioners for clinical skills development, spiritual guidance and professional growth.  She currently teaches a variety of classes throughout the Midwest, including Zero Balancing I & II, Clinical Acupressure 1 & 2, Process Acupressure 1A & 1B, Seva Stress Release, Good Points Self-Care, and Acupressure for Anyone. As a faculty member of both the Zero Balancing Health Association (ZBHA) and the Insight Acupressure Faculty Alliance (IAFA), she is dedicated to preserving and promoting the basic principles and transformative work developed by both Dr. Fritz Smith and Dr. Aminah Raheem. Her current classes are listed on
Deanna is a strong advocate for Complementary and Integrative Medicine practices in healthcare. She is involved with multiple research projects for acupressure and Zero Balancing. She published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and co-edited a book of 90 Insight Acupressure case studies entitled Empowering Whole-Being Health (2018). She also co-edited two chapters on spirituality in the recently published textbook Interprofessional Perspectives for Community Practice: Promoting Health, Well-Being and Quality of Life.
Deanna and her husband Loren, also an OT, enjoy relaxing at home in the evenings, sharing their wooded property with the surrounding wildlife, volunteering in multiple capacities and promoting excellence in OT. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Join Now & Restore Your Balance!