$185.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Headache and Migraine Relief

Chronic stress often leads to imbalances in our physical health including headache or migraine. In this course, you will learn different breathwork patterns, acupressure points and additional strategies to relieve the symptoms of headache and migraine.

Restoring Balance: Neuro Regulation and the Vagus Nerve [3 month plan]

With this investment option, you can spread your payments out over a 3 month period of time.

Learn simple strategies you can implement immediately to relieve stress and decompress the vagus nerve. Most strategies can be completed in under 1 - 2 minutes.

What you'll get:

  • Decompression Techniques section includes multiple strategies for each of the 12 different areas of the body
  • Tension Release Toolbox with downloadable handouts
  • Bonus Acupressure handouts and protocols for stress relief
  • A valuable Resource section with links to various websites and books related to sensory neuroregulation and the Vagus Nerve
  • Continued access to updated material including Downloadable eBooks for use with patient education

The approaches provided integrate evidence based research, basic principles and theory from Occupational Therapy Sensory Neuroregulation, Quantum Physics, Five Element Acupressure Theory and Polyvagal Theory. This is where ancient wisdom intersects with modern science to improve your overall whole being health.

You will receive a letter of completion for 2.0 contact hours.

The value of this package is over $1200 if purchasing separately.